

COVID Origin Megyn Kelly




(抜粋) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZVC42gO_38

Meanwhile, I want to get to you had an extraordinary interview with David Asher. Everybody knows about the lab leak versus natural origin theory. I think most people listening to this show believe it was a lab leak that caused the covid virus. We were funding gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. We were lied to about it repeatedly by Anthony Fauci. We know it's true even the CDC has now had to admit. The NIH has had to admit it was true. And you had this great interview with he's from the state ex-state department official as I recall who was in charge of the covid origin investigation. But he's no longer with the state department and man is he speaking freely. So what did he say?

アメリカ政府の COVID 起源調査を率いた David Asher をインタビューされて、何とおっしゃっていましたか。

Right so I was able to interview David Asher. He led the U.S state Department's investigation into covid origin and he said on the record to me which I wrote about in my piece on my sub stack. He said this is a massive cover-up. I mean what's amazing to me is that like this happens to me over and over and I'm always wrong but I go to bed at night I'm laying in bed talking to my wife and I say everything's going to change when this comes out because I'm like this is so huge this is crazy you know when I wrote a piece about the hospitalization numbers are inflated by 40 to 50 percent and children. Oh once this happens everything's going to change I keep having these moments the lead investigator for the state department said there is an enormous amount of information that is both classified and unclassified that the government is not releasing this is a massive cover-up. How this is not you know on the front page of everything it just blows my mind it's good for me I guess as a journalist because I have this lane that I can stay in people are going  to go to my you know an newsletter to see this but silent lunch, silentlunch.net. But it's not good for society and that is quite a remarkable statement and when you look at the evidence which I talked about with him. I mean there's just that by the way there was a law that was passed Biden signed it where they had to release all the information related to the Wuhan lab. This was I don't recall the precise wording but this was required so the fact that this and there was a report put out by the DNI that's the Director of National Intelligence. It was like five pages of actual content astonishing. This was supposed to be a comprehensive report and again this by the lights of many people was in breach of the law. Why aren't there constant articles about this. Wait a minute. The law that was signed by the President says you have to release everything. Five pages that's everything we've got. Like a massive story.

彼はこれは大掛かりな隠蔽工作だと言っていました。武漢研究所に関わるすべての情報を報告しなければならない法律に Biden 大統領はサインしたのに、5ページしか無いことに驚きました。これは多くの人の権利に対する法律違反です。

This piece of it I don't fully get why there insane leftists want the masks and want to reject any reporting that they don't work same on the vaccines. I don't get why they don't want to figure out once and for all definitively what caused covid that caused the death of their loved ones, of teachers, of students, of parents that made them not be there when their parents died in the nursing home. Why do some of there people have no interest? I get why Anthony Fauci doesn't want it he appears to have dirty hands he helped cause it that's what the evidence seems to be driving us toward. And I get why even at the government level the may not want it China we're too in bed with them we don't want to upset the apple cart the relationship. And I don't get why normal liberals don't want to know exactly how it was caused, do you understand?

なぜ彼らは、愛する者や先生、生徒が亡くなった原因、また、両親が福祉施設で亡くなる際に付き添ってやれなかった原因である COVID の起源を明らかにしようとしないのか分からない。

I think there's two things at play. So you're absolutely right regarding the government there's so much money that's sloshed around it wasn't just from NIH it was from USAID as well many many millions of dollars went toward this type of research but it got funneled through different universities and then funnels down through the NGOs. So it wasn't just like a check was written but there's a long trail. So there's a reason why so many people and as you said the sort of geopolitical fallout from, if it actually was from, China and if we were involved. So there's but I think there's two things for as far as like regular people or regular sort of professional class, elites or liberals. I think a lot of them do want to know it just doesn't get covered by MSNBC or whatever because and I also think the other ones who don't want to know it's because this has been coded as right wing from day one. And when you had a lead reporter at the New York Times who had tweeted and then deleted something about you know this is racist right so elably theory right. And so I think once something gets branded in a specific way as right wing it's very you know it's really and it just calcifies for people in the in the public conversation and then this political dynamic and I think it's very hard for people both publicly but perhaps even for themselves to allow themselves to feel like maybe they're on the other team you know because that's how something gets branded and that happened with me oh over and over again during the pandemic paticularly early on I would talk with top infectious disease specialists, top immunologists, epidemiologists and every conversation began with I didn't vote for Trump but and that's how every they had to sort of like establish that like wait a minute don't worry I'm not on the wrong team but this is a bunch of you know whatever we were going to talk about the fact that every conversation had to start off with this preamble by someone who's you know at an elite university, at a top flight hospotal that they felt that they had to do that that's to me indicative of the larger problem. So I think a lot of it is just how things get coded in our public conversation and once they're associated with the wrong team it just doesn't matter it's impenetrable to evidence or logic.

Another layer of that is their deification of Fauci. I mean they fell in love he became a political lightning rod they dug in as opposed to saying I'm open-minded that maybe he's misleading and what exactly did he fund and not fund and what role did he have in telling us all via that one origins paper that is definitely not a lab leak was he involved because that's been you know I think debunked is the correct word they've dug in Fauci is a saint, Fauci's been unfairly attacked, Fauci is our superhero. And so they're not willing to hear any news that would be live at that belief. You covered this we covered this too. And it's to me I've said this to the audience it's wonderful to me that republicans have control of the house divided government is a good thing and thank God that they did because. Otherwise we wouldn't have half of the documents we have on Hunter Biden we wouldn't have any of those documents and we wouldn't have the documents that we got on covid origins on Fauci and how that paper came about in was it March of 2020, it was March or is it April 20th? April yeah I think April 2020. I always grew up whether it was nature or science. So one of the big and right you know medical journals. And it was all Fauci's favorite virologists some 11, 12 of them who had gotten on a phone call and started out by saying we think this is a lab leak this looks very much like a lab leak and then within 48 hours reverse themselves on it you've done reporting on this too and when you saw thar trove of documents that came out of the house republican committee on the pandemic they got the actual documents showing the back and forth between Francis Collins and Fauci and all these virologists and the manipulations and the amount of coordination I should say. What was your reaction?